Are you stretching your vehicle wrap design across a couple different types of vehicles? Curious to know if this is a good or bad strategy? Whether your fleet is 100 vehicles or three, having a variety of different vehicle types isn’t bad from the standpoint of fleet graphics.
The important thing is, all your vehicles look consistent! That said, in what ways can a mix-matched fleet be just as effective as a fleet of uniform vehicles?

First, It’s Affordable
If you work with the vehicles you have, you will obviously be spending a lot less money. The obvious reason is the alternative is selling off the one-of vehicles in order to replace them. Not ideal. So if you have a fleet of service vans, but maybe your estimator’s vehicle is a sedan, it’s probably better to keep all said vehicles and wrap them.
Makes Your Fleet Look Larger
A mixed-vehicle fleet tends to give the impression of a larger company. If a customer see’s a couple different vehicle types with a professional wrap on them, they may assume your business is much larger than it already is. After all, different vehicles may mean a different need or use for each vehicle: estimators, service technicians, emergency service, and management to name a few.
No Vehicle Wrap is Worse than a Mix-Matched Fleet Wrap
Are you waiting to maybe get a more uniform fleet to get a vehicle wrap? Well, the risk of not wrapping your fleet is much worse than any incorrectly perceived issues with wrapping a mixed-vehicle fleet. The average vehicle is seen by 30,000 – 80,000 people on a daily basis. So why wait on getting that type of exposure?
Vehicle Wraps can Conform to any Vehicle Type
A common question we get is: can my vehicle wrap design be applied to a different type of vehicle? Long story short, yes. A vehicle wrap design, when done right, can be easily altered and adjusted to fit any type of vehicle! The important considering factor is whether the design was craft with mixed-fleet use in mind. Most quality fleet graphics companies know their clients will have different vehicle types over time, but it’s always good to mention it.
You Get to Wrap More!
Some businesses will only wrap their service vans, but then estimator cars will remain unbranded. Hopefully the points above give you the confidence to give yourself the permission to wrap more of your fleet. At the end of the day, the more vehicles you have wrapped, the more exposure your company will have. this is espeically important if you are looking for ways to create brand awareness in a local market.
Your Mixed-Vehicle Fleet Graphics Company
AP Corp is your local fleet graphics company. We have the experience, certifications, and on-site ability to deliver the highest quality fleet wraps for any size (or type) of fleet. For more information, get in touch with us today!