Working in the wall graphics industry for as long as we have, you’ll start to hear some pretty regular myths about wall graphics. Wherever this misinformation comes from, we aim to correct it. So whether you’re looking for wall graphics in Gaithersburg, MD or Washington, DC, here are 8 myths about wall graphics which won’t be true for you.

Wall Murals Require Paint and a Painter
This used to be true, but paint is no longer your only option. Vinyl wall graphics give you the ability to have your wall graphics designed for you and then printed. Not only is this a faster and more affordable process than a painted wall mural, you get to see the actual finished product in a proof before it is printed or installed.
Maintenance is a Massive Headache
Cleaning wall graphics is easy. In short, do not use high pressure power washers or abrasive scrubbers. Otherwise, you can clean your wall graphics like you would a normal wall. We commonly recommend a mixture of mild soap and warm water to clear off any stains from vinyl wall graphics. Be sure to use a soft microfiber cloth.
Wall Graphics are Too Expensive
This isn’t true anymore. Now, vinyl wall graphics can be installed at a fraction of the price they were 10 years ago; and even more savings when compared to a painted wall mural. For what it would cost to have a wall graphic installed at your location, get in touch with your local Gaithersburg, MD wall graphics company for a free quote!
Vinyl Wall Murals Aren’t Environmentally Friendly
This answer depends on the company you work with, and the materials they use. Here at AP Graphics, we are committed to eco-friendly policies. This includes the most environmentally-sound printing technologies as well as using the best possible printing materials for the environment.
Wall Graphics are Only a Long-term Decoration
While wall graphics can last for a long time, they can also be easily removed and replaced for temporary promotions. If you’re running an event, a new graphics installation is a great way to add that extra wow factor. Then when the event is over, your wall graphics can be quickly removed and replaced without any harm to your surfaces or structures.
Custom Wall Murals are Difficult to Have Made for You
If you were doing the design, plotting, printing, and installation all on your own – yes you would find it slightly difficult. That said, by partnering with an experienced Gaithersburg, MD commercial graphics company the process ends up being much easier than you’d imagine. An experienced commercial graphics company can take the project off your hands, or just the parts which you need help with.
Wall Murals are only for the Outdoors
Wall graphics can be printed on a wide variety of materials. Indoor wall graphics are not printed on the same material as an outdoor wall graphic, if it was than this myth would be true. Luckily, that is not the case. Outdoor wall graphics are printed on outdoor-rated and engineered vinyl which can stand up to the environment and last your business for many years.
Wall Murals Are Only for the Indoors
Like the above, we also hear folks concerned that the materials used will be overkill or too strong for an indoor application. Indoor wall graphics are printed on an indoor vinyl which is rated for indoor use and indoor application. There are no harmful VOCs and the adhesive itself will not peel the drywall off in chunks if it is removed.
Removing Vinyl Wall Graphics is Impossible
Older wall graphics were difficult to remove, which is where this myth comes from. That said, this myth is no longer true because modern wall graphics are installed with what we call an ‘easy up, easy down’ material. Modern vinyl was engineered so that if you get tired of your wall graphic you can easily take it down with minimal mess and effort.
Vinyl Wall Graphics can only be Installed on a Smooth Surface
While a smooth surface provides a more ideal place to install a wall graphic, it is not the only surface which will work. Wall graphics can be applied to just about any type of surface including bricks, concrete blocks, painted walls, and more! To be sure a wall graphic will be able to adhere to the surface of your space, simply contact your local commercial graphics company!
I can use any photo on a wall graphic
This myth is not true. While most designers want to and encourage you to have ideas about your future designs, image quality it important. For any large format graphic, you will need high quality images. Otherwise, if the image gets enlarged it will become very pixelated.
For help with sorting through fact and fiction when it comes to myths about wall graphics, get in touch with AP Graphics today! AP Graphics is the leading provider of wall graphics and commercial graphics in Gaithersburg, MD and surround areas in Maryland, Virginia, and DC! Give us a call today for a free quote or consultation on your next wall graphics project!